Convention Procedure for Considering Draft of Constitution

I.                   Introduction of Virginia and Pinckney Plans to Convention


II.                Referral of Virginia Plan and Pinckney Plans to “Committee of the Whole” (=”Committee of the Whole House”) on May 29, 1787, for point-by-point consideration.


III.             Amended Draft Reported to the Whole House by the Committee on June 13, 1787, to be taken up by the Whole House, point-by-point


IV.            New Jersey Plan presented to Convention by Paterson on June 15, 1787. Referred to Committee of the Whole. Virginia Plan re-committed to Committee of the whole for comparison.’


V.               Comparison begins on June 16th. Major speeches by Lansing (NY), Paterson (NJ), Wilson (PA), Randolph (VA) on direction to be taken by Convention: confederation or VA Plan.


VI.            Dickinson on June 18th moves to postpone consideration of Paterson and consider new proposal; agreed to. Hamilton then presents his Plan.


VII.         Dickinson proposal rejected; Paterson Plan on floor. Major speech by Madison. Convention agreed to generally postponing consideration to NJ Plan; convention agreed to re-report VA Plan, as amended (now in the form of 19 resolutions. (Res. 7 and 8—suffrage for both legislature houses—of particular interest=15 days.)


VIII.      Gerry Committee reports the 1¶ Connecticut Compromise, July 5th 


IX.            Reworked resolutions referred to Committee of Detail, along w/ NJ Plan and Pinckney Plan, on July 26; Convention recessed


X.               Report of the Committee of Detail, August 6th: the “Constitution” in 23 articles


XI.            Various committee reports: Detail (Rutledge), Grand Committee (Sherman), Committee of Eleven (Brearley), Committee of Five (Rutledge)


XII.         Referral to Committee of Revision/Style, September 8th 


XIII.      Report of the Committee of Revision/Style (Johnson), September 12th : the Constitution in 7 articles


XIV.     Constitution signed; Convention adjourns, September 17th